Attention Deficit Disorder in Adults
Practical Help and Understanding
by Lynn Weiss
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Hardcover List: $19.95
Our Price: $13.97
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Availability: This title usually ships within 2-3 days.
3rd Rev Edition, 224 pages
Published by Taylor Pub
Publication date: March 1997
Dimensions (in inches): 0.87 x 9.33 x 6.29
ISBN: 0878339809

Go to to order HARDCOVER edition.

 Synopsis - Reader Comments - Table of Contents - Paperback - Excerpt

Also by Lynn Weiss:
ADD & Creativity - Attention Deficit Disorder in Adults Workbook
Give Your ADD Teen a Chance - ADD on the Job

Weiss ADD Center for Adults and Teens

Attention Deficit Disorder in Adults Practical Help and Understanding
by Lynn Weiss

Paperback List: $12.95 *
Our Price: $10.36 *
You Save: $2.59 (20%) *

Availability: This title usually ships within 2-3 days. *

3Rd. Rev. Edition
Paperback, 217 pages
Published by Taylor Pub
Publication date: June 1997
Dimensions (in inches): 0.69 x 9.02 x 6.02
ISBN: 0878339795
Go to to order PAPERBACK edition.

Synopsis - Reader Comments - Table of Contents - Hardcover - Excerpt

Also by Lynn Weiss:
ADD & Creativity - - Attention Deficit Disorder in Adults Workbook
Give Your ADD Teen a Chance - ADD on the Job

* NOTE: Information about prices, discounts and availability is subject to change and may be changed without notice to Balance Check. The information on may be more current. If there is a difference in this information from what is posted here, please let me know.

Reviews and Commentary for Attention Deficit Disorder in Adults

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First published in 1991, the first book to address adult ADD is now updated to include such information as a revised definition of ADD, description of three types of ADD, how to start and run an ADD support group, updated national resource list and bibliography, and more. A must book for anyone who has. thinks they have, or lives or works with someone who has ADD. --This text refers to the hardcover edition of this title.



The first book to address adult ADD, Dr. Lynn Weiss's bestselling Attention Deficit Disorder In Adults has sold over 125,000 copies since its publication in 1991. This updated volume still contains all the original information--how to tell if you have ADD, ways to master distraction, ADD's impact on the family, and more--plus the newest treatments available. --This text refers to the paperback edition of this title.


Reader Comments , 03/25/97, rating=10:
I finally know why I see things differently!
If you have ADD, or someone close to you does, read this book. After I read it, I had my wife read it. Know she understands why I do the things I do. This book has been very helpful. --This text refers to the paperback edition of this title. , 07/01/97, rating=4:
NOT worth the money

I felt that the book was a bit basic for my needs ,as an A-ADD person.Much too much of the same old things.I would not ,and could not,suggest this "self-help book. --This text refers to the paperback edition of this title.


Excerpt from ADD in Adults


Table of Contents

-- Why I've written this book, its intent and scope
  1. Life with ADD: Personal Stories
    ADD sufferers' own stories about their experiences
  2. The Hidden Disorder
    What ADD is and is not; psychological profile, scope, and consequences
  3. The Abuse
    How society perceives the ADD person and social responses to him
  4. The Inner Pain
  5. Living with an ADD Person
  6. The Quandary of Treatment
  7. The Way Out
  8. The Visualization Technique
  9. Restructuring
  10. For Family and Friends
  11. For Intimate Couples
  12. When You Work with an ADD Person


  • An Open Letter to Potential ADD Sufferers
  • Diagnosis of ADD in Adults
  • Learning to Live with ADD: Five Stages
  • Sample Adult ADD Assessment Interview
  • Sample Clinical Report Summary
  • Model Letter to Physician
  • Sample Permission to Obtain and Release Information
  • Medication and Attention Deficit Disorder in Adults: An Interview
  • Attention Deficit Disorder in Adults Workshop
  • Running an ADD Group
  • Setting Up an ADD Support Group
  • Organizations That Help Adults with ADD
  • Information/Resources
  • Resource People with an Interest in ADD in Adults


Go to to order Attention Deficit Disorder in Adults

Also by Lynn Weiss:
ADD & Creativity - - Attention Deficit Disorder in Adults Workbook
Give Your ADD Teen a Chance - ADD on the Job

Weiss DD Center for Adults and Teens

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