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ADD / ADHD Resources

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Attention Deficit Disorder - ADD - Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder - ADHD - is a difference in brain functioning that can have disastrous consequences in our society if undiagnosed and untreated. It can also be a blessing when recognized. It is not an easy diagnosis. This site is intended to be a source of information about this difference.
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This page last updated 23 July 2000.
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Annotated ADD Links - Text-Only

Annotated ADD Links - graphics


Myths About ADD

Chas' Home Page

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Essential Books About ADD/ADHD

This site recognized as a "Heart of the Web" Site

Quote of the moment: Another aspect of ADD: A locked toolchest?


What this ADD/ADHD page is about . . .

Attention Deficit Disorder (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) is a difference in brain functioning that can have disastrous consequences in our society if undiagnosed and untreated. It can also be a blessing when recognized. It is not an easy diagnosis. Only a trained and experienced professional should attempt such a diagnosis. The information on this site is not a substitute for such work. This site is to give the public, those who have ADD, as well as those who live and work with them more information. Unfortunately there are a number of myths about ADD, some shared by health care professionals.

Research on brain functioning has blossomed in this decade and unfortunately many health care providers who are very professional and very well-meaning are not up-to-date in this narrow area. They may miss ADD in assessing a situation or may diagnose it when there is another cause for the symptoms. (View graphic of brain from NIMH.)

Therefore, it is important that people trying to find out if their problems can be attributed to this condition go to a health care provider who has extensive training and experience in treating ADD. For adults, it is important to find someone with this experience with adult ADD. To this end, I am trying to put together a list of local health care providers who are experienced in the treatment and care of ADD. (I don't have anyone on the list yet.)


You might check out the not unusual story of Bill, a newly diagnosed adult with ADD.

Adult ADD support group starting.

 Annotated ADD Links

To keep this page to a manageable size, the links are in a number of separate files. The links are mostly files on other sites around the world about ADD / ADHD. In one file the links are listed in alphabetical order, with annotations. In a separate file some are in categorized sections as well.

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Quote of the moment:

God gave me more tools than most, then he took away the key to the toolchest. Here's the best part, he made the toolchest transparent so that I can see the tools all the time I just can't touch them.
Steve on 7/1/98
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Update information:

The bulk of the activity on the site is the addition of links to the links pages. Links are checked monthly for whether they work. This site is updated weekly - if not daily. This (text-only) page is updated less frequently than is the graphics page.



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This page created and maintained by Chas as he gets around to it.